The Steampunk World

Being the continued explorations of a living steampunk.

The steampunk world is all around us, lying just out of sight, in a continuous thread of steampunk builders and culture that extends from the Victorian era to the present. You'll find no science fiction here: This is real life steampunk.

Saturday, March 07, 2009


Location: Corinbank, Corin Forest Australia

I was at a festival called Corinbank in the ACT when I was pleasantly surprised to see this whale roll up.  Called "Humpback Gunship" and created by Benjamin Gilbert, this whalecopter has been recommissioned from military to air freight use.

This thing was of course loaded with kids all weekend.  At night some parents started pushing it around, and so standing around a fire with this thing whizzing past full of screaming kids was a surreal and wonderful experience.

The wheels are old hand-valves.  Ben said his goal was to give kids the feeling of a whale, so that they could sympathize with their plight.

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