The Steampunk World

Being the continued explorations of a living steampunk.

The steampunk world is all around us, lying just out of sight, in a continuous thread of steampunk builders and culture that extends from the Victorian era to the present. You'll find no science fiction here: This is real life steampunk.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Read an article today that really pissed me off, for the author made several assumptions about bloggers that were directly contrary to my purpose in having a blog at all:

-That hypertext-heavy prose is anything but extremely annoying and unreadable, Memepool for example reads like the text version of one of those chock-full furniture store ads that falls out of the sunday paper. It, and all the other look-at-the-meme-I-found-on-another-site-just-like-mine blogs, are little more than a sidebar link list with articles and conjunctions.

-That blogs have to link to other blogs to 'survive', as if their survival was dependant on the reader and linker (who have nothing to do with the site itself) and nothing to do with the person who maintains it. What determines a blog's survival is the motivation of the creator, who may be doing it for a high google rating (the online equivalent of the rainbow-haired JOHN 3:16 guy at ballgames, a person who seeks fame for doing nothing but seeking fame), to keep in touch with friends who have been scattered by the winds, or just to get their thoughts down 'on paper'. I myself do it to keep a record of my life so that I can look back and actually see where the time went. I allow others to read and comment simply because it keeps me humble.

-"These on-line versions of Diary of a Nobody offer little to encourage repeat viewing, the ultimate ambition of any blogger."

Again, that the purpose of the blog is fame and not self-expression. EVERY blog is a diary of a nobody. The most-read blogs are often from the cockiest of asswipes who, in the end, is just a loser with a web page. Yes, even if you're Wil Wheaton. Again, remember that the quality of your life and the time you spend on your webpage are inversely proportional.

-That linking to memes makes your blog anything but just like every other damn meme-linking blog out there, as if the world was engaged in a collective effort to google-bomb rather than to actually write anything.

-And then, at the bottom, it complains about dilution of the concept, that the thrill of reading a diary is the 'found intimacy' and you don't get that with a blog! Well, what did you expect, if everybody's doing nothing but linking to memes, keeping it short, and selling out to whatever will bring in more repeat readership?!?!

The world does not need another daily site full of wacky links. It's already got one*. The best thing you can offer to the world with your blog is an insight into yourself, and the more of your heart you reveal on the blog, the better it will be, regardless of how many people read it. Remember, you're not in this for the money. Readership gets you nothing but too big for your britches. And if you're posting three, four times a day? Get outside and get some fresh air, okay?

*::snicker:: I told them we already got one!


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