Witch Broom Bike
I had the pleasure of riding this bike at Burning Man. I don't know the builder's name or where he lives, although it's probably San Francisco.
Bikes have been around so long and so many designs have been tried that it's not often I come across one with a unique riding experience, that is a challenge to ride. It took years of freakbiking to be able to hop on this one and go on the first try, which I think astonished the owner a bit. I don't think many people can ride it well.
On a normal bike, you don't steer by pointing a lever in the direction you want to go. I found it easier to use one hand, twist my body to the side a little, and lean forward. It was like riding a pony. I bet it would kill your back on long rides, but as an amusement, this thing was a blast. I hope he doesn't mind if I make one for myself.
this photo was taken at Maker Faire by kitt.