The Steampunk World

Being the continued explorations of a living steampunk.

The steampunk world is all around us, lying just out of sight, in a continuous thread of steampunk builders and culture that extends from the Victorian era to the present. You'll find no science fiction here: This is real life steampunk.

Saturday, July 28, 2001

I almost got fuckin' mugged

I'm a pretty fortunate fellow. I've been blessed with a sane family, a comfortable economic situation, a healthy body. While I don't believe in fate or predestination, it seems that chaos has dealt me a good hand. My luck is impeded only by my stupidity.

I was digging through my pockets on the way home from work today. It was about 6:30 PM, it was light out, and I was riding the red line. Stupidly, I pulled my direct deposit stub out of my pocket. It looks just like a paycheck. Shit! I looked around, the car was packed, anybody could have seen.

I get off at the Belmont stop and stand waiting for the brown line. I'm just doin' my usual doot-de-doo, standing there, brain in wander mode. I'm lookin' south for the train, and then my gaze travels northward.

Two seconds more and I woulda been in some serious shit. A huge, beefy, white guy is bearing down on me, about four feet away. I'm not looking right at him, since at this point I have no clue what's going on. But I see him coming in my peripheral vision. As I look in his general direction, he comes to a stop and nods at me to another guy on my left. This guy is circling in from the left, and he's about six feet away. He looks at his buddy, and they both change course quickly and head down the stairs and out of the station. And this place is crowded! It's daylight! Framing the stairway they went down are two hispanic guys, who were standing next to me in the car when I took out my papers.

I moved way down to the end of the platform. When I got on the train, though, the two new guys had moved down to the car next to mine. I peeked through the door to the next car and one of them grinned at me.

When I go to my stop, I took off running. I don't care how much of an idiot I looked like, I fuckin' laid rubber to my apartment building and made sure they didn't see me go in. Even if the second two guys were just coincidentally on my train (and had to walk three cars towards the end to find a seat they liked), the first two were most definitely discouraged from kicking my ass and taking my wallet by my turning around with about two seconds to spare. Since there were so many people around, they had probably just planned to grab me and go for my pockets and then take off. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been discouraged when they lost the element of surprise. I was lucky, too, that I didn't look right at them and trigger some sort of staring offense we-must-fight thingie that straight guys seem to have hardwired in. So once again stupidity gets me into a dangerous situation, and dumb luck gets me out. I'm surprised I've made it to 25.


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