$bvcutoff | $n<"5000") { if (!$commentPath) { $commentPath="comments/"; } $commentFile=$commentPath.$n.".comment"; if (file_exists($commentFile)) { $ip=$visitor_ip; $thisFile = file($commentFile); $comments = sizeof($thisFile); $kFile=$commentPath.$n.".kill"; if (file_exists($kFile)) { $thisFile = file($kFile); $kill = sizeof($thisFile); $comments = $comments - $kill; } $qFile=$commentPath.$n.".q.".$ip; if (file_exists($qFile)){ $thisFile = file($qFile); $q = sizeof($thisFile); $comments = $comments + $q; } if($comments == 1) {$comments .= " comment";} else {$comments .= " comments";} } else {$comments = "0 comments";} return $comments; } } function showbv($n) { global $bvcutoff; if ($n<=$bvcutoff) { $bvlink='Discuss via Blogvoices'; } else { $bvlink=""; } return $bvlink; } ?> chicagofreakbike
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Freakbikes, choppers, funnybikes, clownbikes, kustoms, tallbikes, swingbikes, lead sleds, chunkbikes, trashbikes, and frankenbikes. This is a record of human-powered creativity in Chicago.



-top of the mall-
-rat ride 073102-
-rat ride 082102-
-rat ride 100202-
-rat ride 110302-
-rat ride 120602-
-pack rat ride 020803-
-build day 022203-
-build day 030903-
-rat ride 032603-
-a visit from the black label bike club-
-a rat retreat to the redneck riviera-
-the scallywags come to chicago critical mass-


-the chopper-
-a work in progress-
-unicyclin bear-
-pipe bomb-
-UV chopper 1-
-a kouple of kustoms-
-trout lake freakin-
-lee's bent 1-
-gateway drug-
-UV chopper 2-
-trashbike 1-
-the bike formerly known as the white elephant-
-schwinn cycle truck-
-n'awlins freakin'-
-foley freakin'-


-of mice and rats-
-on kustoms-



Email and Submissions: johnny@rat-patrol.org

Tuesday, June 10, 2003


Foley Freakin'


Found this funky trike in Foley, Alabama. It appears to be homemade. The seat was on a big threaded rod so you spun it to raise or lower it. The axle was a solid rod, leading to the skiddiness that the differential was invented to remove. The back chassis appeared to be part of a go-kart frame, and the front was just square steel. The chain tension was adjusted by unbolting the bottom bracket and sliding it forwards or backwards. With the apehangers and huge seat, this was quite a cruisin' trike.

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